Load Optimization

TRAQ Manager optimizes loading patterns to make the best use of vehicles and ensure that rolls are properly placed in the vehicle to prevent roll movement. Optimization is based on the order (size and quantity) and vehicle (truck, container and rail car) specifications.

TRAQ Manager is used by Sales to optimize loading patterns during order taking. TRAQ Manager can take an order and create a series of optimized loads for production planning and shipping or just optimize a single load. Once rolls are staged, the clamp truck driver can re-optimize the load.

By optimizing loads, we increase shipping capacity utilization and make the best use of shipping resources.

Loading patterns can be displayed and printed using 2-D and 3-D graphics. Rolls that require dunnage are highlighted for clamp truck drivers. Center of gravity and axle weights of shipments are always known to ensure safe loading.


  • More efficient shipping
  • Easy creation and management of loading patterns
  • Safer loading with center of gravity and axle weight calculations
  • Provision of loading pattern documentation for shipments
Related Information:

   All Spec Sheets in PDF format (926K)