TRAQ Manager's Wrapper Module is one of the most impressive when connected to a fully automated wrapline. The Wrapper Module can work equally well with partially automated wraplines and strapping lines.
In an automated wrapline, the Wrapper Module scans the roll coretag with a fixed barcode scanner. This automatically identifies rolls as they enter the wrapline. TRAQ Manager communicates with the wrapline Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to track rolls through the rest of the wrapline.
The Wrapper Module measures roll dimensions and weights to verify that the roll matches the specifications, ensuring that the roll belongs to the order identified on the core tag.
On manual wraplines or straplines, a screen displays the roll information to the operator. After positively identifying a roll, TRAQ Manager sends the finishing instructions to the PLC. The PLC automatically wraps, labels, stencils, groups, and finishes the package exactly to the customer's specifications.
If positive roll identification is not possible, TRAQ Manager warns the operator to correct the problem or reject the roll for later investigation.
The system automatically recognizes if rolls are to be bundled in the multi-roll packages. After the roll is wrapped or strapped, the system updates Finished Inventory and production accordingly.
Depending on the Wrapper Module configuration, the operator will be able to deal with problems as they occur on the line, or the system can automatically reject "problem" rolls. This ensures maximum throughput for the wrapline.
TRAQ Manager's What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG ) label designer automatically prints roll labels according to the customer's specifications. This allows you to have a different label design for each of your customers.
The wrapper operator will have access to any information required such as inventory list, order/load status, re-print label function, roll downgrade function, and more.
Typical functions include: